That was our herring feast Delight 2023
Lobster bisque with aged sherry
Breton fish soup with garlic croutons
Andalusian shrimps in hot olive oil, spicy & pastry
Bacon-wrapped scallops fried on beluga lentils & truffle foam
Vitello Tonnato
Saddle of veal fried pink with tuna cream, baked caper berries and rocket
MMussels in white wine sauce á la creme & white bread
Calamari grilled with spinach potatoes & garlic oil
Octupus fried with Rot shrimp on lemon risotto
WSea bass fried whole with grilled vegetables and garlic oil
Welk fillet with Crevetten fried dill rice & glazed vegetables
Scottish Wild salmon with hollandaise sauce, parsley potatoes & glazed vegetables
Pappardelle with Loh and Crevetten in lime-dill cream sauce
Sdevil medallions fried in olive caper butter, glazed vegetables & parsley potatoes